Cookie policy

The basics

As with nearly all websites you visit, this website uses a feature of your internet browser called “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s web browser while you are viewing a website.

We need to use cookies in order to monitor use of the website, so if you continue to navigate around the website we will assume you are happy for these cookies to be set.

Cookies used by this website:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps us to monitor website traffic and usage. No personal information is stored in these cookies.


This cookie is written to the browser upon the first visit to our website from that web browser. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits our site, a new _utma cookie is written with a different unique ID. This cookie is used to determine unique visitors to our site and it is updated with each page view. Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that Google Analytics uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure.

(Expiration: 2 years from set/update)


This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with our site. When a user views a page on our site, the Google Analytics code attempts to update this cookie. If it does not find the cookie, a new one is written and a new session is established. Each time a user visits a different page on our site, this cookie is updated to expire in 30 minutes, thus continuing a single session for as long as user activity continues within 30-minute intervals. This cookie expires when a user pauses on a page on our site for longer than 30 minutes

(Expiration: 30 minutes from set/update)


This cookie is no longer used and does not store any data, but you may still find this cookie stored by your browser.

(Expiration: not set)


This cookie stores the type of referral used by a visitor to reach our site, whether via a direct method, a referring link, a website search, or a campaign such as an ad or an email link. It is used to calculate search engine traffic, ad campaigns and page navigation within our site. The cookie is updated with each page view to our site.

(Expiration: 6 months from set/update)



The main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain, utk (see below), initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).

(Expires: 2 years)


This cookie is used for to keep track of a visitor’s identity. This cookie is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when de-duplicating contacts.

(Expires: 10 years)


This cookie keeps track of sessions. This is used to determine if we should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.

(Expires: 30 min)


Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set. We set it to 1 and use it to determine if the user has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when we manage cookies, we assume it is a new session.

(Expires: None. Session cookie)


This cookie is used by the opt-in privacy policy to remember not to ask the user to accept cookies again. This cookie is set when you give users the choice to opt out of cookies.

(Expires: 2 years)


This cookie can be set to prevent the tracking code from sending any information to HubSpot. Setting this cookie is different from opting out of cookies, which still allows anonymized information to be sent to HubSpot.

(Expires: 2 years)


This cookie is used to test whether the visitor has support for cookies enabled.

(Expires: Session cookie)



This cookie is used to recognize visitors who chat with you via the messages tool. If the visitor leaves your site before they’re added as a contact, they will have this cookie associated with their browser. If you have a history of chatting with a visitor and they return to your site later in the same cookied browser, the messages tool will load your conversation history with that visitor.

Controlling cookies with your browser sessions

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you choose to, you can flush your browser of cookies from time to time to remove all cookies and data stored in them. You can also adjust your browser settings to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do disable cookies you may find you are unable to access certain content or functionality on the website.


1. Go to the Safari menu. 2. Click on the Preferences. 3. Click the ‘Security’ tab. 4. Under ‘Accept Cookies’, set it to accept, reject, or selectively accept cookies.


1. Click on ‘Tools’ in the menu bar 2. Click on ‘Options…’ 3. Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab in the top section 4. From the drop down box select ‘Use custom setting for history’ 5. Un-tick the box that says ‘Accept Cookies From Sites’ 6. Click OK and Close the screen.

(Expires: 30 min)

Microsoft Edge

  1. In Microsoft Edge, go to More  > Settings .
  2. Select View advanced settings.
  3. Under Privacy and services > Cookies, choose the right option for you:
      Block all cookies doesn’t let any website save cookies to your computer.Block only third party cookies allows cookies from the website you’re on, but blocks cookies from external web services, like from ads embedded on webpages you visit.

Internet Explorer

1. Click on ‘Tools’ in the menu bar 2. Click on ‘Options’ 3. Click on ‘Privacy’ Tab on top section 4. Click on the ‘Advanced” button 5. Select ‘Prompt’ for both ‘First party cookies’ and ‘Third Party Cookies’ 6. Click OK and Close the screen.

Google Chrome

  1. Click the Chrome menu  on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Show advanced settings.
  4. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content settings button.
  5. In the “Cookies” section, you can change to your preferred setting.